Customer Satisfaction is our Buisness
Solid motor is a private motor car that offers comprehensive takaful cover at a reasonable price.
These prices suit most of our customers.
These prices suit most of our customers.
Comprehensive container that covers Accidents, Fire & theft, Bahrain & KSA, Storms, flood & hailstorms.
5 Years agency repair
5 Years nil depreciation
6 months guaranteed total vehicle value
Electronic policy details are sent automatically to the traffic directorate for easy registration through the e-government online portal.
Here’s a list of benefits that our product covers :
Personal accident (driver only) BD 5,000/-
Agency repair up to 5 years
Nil depreciation on spare parts up to 5 years
Nil depreciation on total loss claim up to 6 month
Geographically extended to cover KSA (own damage)
Storms, flood & hailstorms
Towing charge
Windshield cover
24/7 GCC roadside assistance